Mozaik Islam

Menjaga Akidah Islam dan Menghargai Kebhinekaan demi Masyarakat yang Harmonis dan Sejahtera dalam Bingkai NKRI

Freeing Humans from the Worship of Other Humans or the Worship of Any Other Object

Obviously, this is a corollary of the first principle of worshipping Allah alone. However, it deserves separate mention as humans dominating and subjugating other humans is one of the gravest tragedies in the history of humankind, second perhaps to the tragedy of the humans accepting such a situation and willingly submitting to other humans. There are few things worse than humans submitting themselves, and thus worshipping, other humans. This is completely degrading because all humans share the same essential human nature and weaknesses.

No one has the right to put himself as a God—which would include tyrant, dictator or clergy—over anyone else, with the others subjected to his decrees regardless of whether they are consistent with what Allah has revealed or not. Readmore…

The Worship of Allah Alone

Undoubtedly, the greatest goal of Islam and its greatest contribution to the welfare of humanity is the true and pure worship of Allah alone, without associating any partners with Him.1 This is in reality the ultimate purpose and goal of a human. Allah says, “And I (Allah) created not the jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone)” (51:56). There can be no goal more honorable or noble than this goal for a human being.

Pure monotheism is the only belief system that provides the true answers to the questions that perplex virtually every human: “Where have I come from? Where am I headed? For what purpose do I exist?” Readmore…

Arti Ucapan Selamat Lebaran “Taqabbalallahu” Menyambut Hari Raya Idul Fitri

Assalamualaikum… Selamat lebaran Pak Ustadz.

Saya langsung saja ke pertanyaan pak Ustadz. Setiap menyambut hari raya idul fitri, kebanyakan kaum muslim mengirimkan ucapan selamat Lebaran berbunyi ” Taqabalallahu Minna waminkum, shiyamana washiya-makum. Minal aidin wal faidzin.” Saya sbg orang awam yg tdk tahu dgn bahasa Arab, bingung dgn arti kata-kata di atas.

Mohon kpd Pak Ustadz menjelaskan arti kalimat di atas.

Wassalam Readmore…

The Sources of Islamic Law and Guidance

The goal of Islam is for the human to become a true servant of Allah. Therefore, his source of guidance and the foundations for his actions must be rooted in the revelation from God. It is from this vantage point that the scholars speak about the sources of law in Islam. The two ultimate authorities in Islamic Law are the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet. Readmore…

The Universality of Islam and Its Timelessness

The Prophet Muhammad is the final messenger and it is inconceivable knowing the mercy of the merciful that He would leave humans without any form of clear guidance. In other words, what He gave this final message must be suitable to guide mankind after him. In fact, the Prophet himself made this very same point in essence when he said, “I have left with you two things that if you cling to them you will never be misguided after me: The Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger.” Readmore…

The Final Message

Allah had sent numerous prophets throughout the centuries. However, He had determined that He should send a final messenger with a final message. This final messenger would be the messenger for all of humankind from his time until the Day of Reckoning. There was to be no later revelation and no later prophet to bring any changes to this revelation. Hence, this one had to differ from the previous in some ways.

First, since no one could come later to correct any mistakes or distortions, the revelation received by the last prophet had to be preserved in its pristine purity. Readmore…

Islam, The Religion of the Prophet Muhammad

After the coming of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), there is a further distinction that needs to be made concerning the religion of “Islam.”

Before the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), one could say that there were many “Islams.” That is, each people had their prophets, followed their teachings and were on the path of Islam. At the same time, if a new prophet in the same line of prophets came to them, they had no choice but to follow that new prophet. The one who would refuse to accept Allah’s later prophet is not truly submitting to Allah. If he is not truly submitting to Allah, then he is not a “Muslim.” Readmore…

The Meaning of the Word “Islam”

The word “Islam” is the verbal noun of the verb aslama. This verb is defined as, “He resigned or submitted himself.” When used with respect to God, it means, “He became submissive to God.”1 Thus, Islam is about an individual recognizing who his Lord is and recognizing that his attitude toward his Lord and Creator should be one of submission and worship. In other words, Islam is not simply about the recognition of the Oneness of God or the fact that the Creator exists, for example. Islam is about something much greater than that. It is about the conscious decision made by the individual to worship and submit to the one and only God. Readmore…

The Significance of Ramadan and Fasting

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, can be 29 or 30 days long. An Islamic month begins with the sighting of the new crescent in the western horizon, immediately after sunset. Muslims look toward the western horizon for the new moon on the 29th day of Sha’ban, the eighth month. If the new moon is sighted, Ramadan has begun with the sunset but fasting begins with the next dawn. If the new moon is not sighted on this 29th day, Muslims complete 30 days of Sha’ban (the previous month) and Ramadan begins the following day. Readmore…

Berbakti Kepada Orang Tua

Pertanyaan 1: Sebagian orang meyakini bahwa berbakti kpd kedua orang tua adl dalam segala hal, kami mengharapkan Syaikh menjelaskan tentang berbakti kpd kedua orang tua?

Jawaban 1: Berbakti kpd kedua orang tua adl berbuat baik kpd keduanya dgn harta, badan, kedudukan & selain hal itu. Dan bisa juga dgn ucapan, & Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala menjelaskan berbakti dgn ucapan:

Jika salah seorang di antara keduanya atau kedua-duanya sampai berumur lanjut dalam pemeliharaanmu, maka sekali-kali janganlah kamu mengatakan kpd keduanya perkataan “ah” & janganlah kamu membentak mereka & ucapkanlah kpd mereka perkataan yg mulia. (Al Qur’an Surat: al-Isra`:23) Readmore…