Mozaik Islam

Menjaga Akidah Islam dan Menghargai Kebhinekaan demi Masyarakat yang Harmonis dan Sejahtera dalam Bingkai NKRI

Riba is Haram Any Way You Look at it

In response to this sweeping claim, we should first state the fact that the current banking transactions are not different from the prohibited Riba transactions. Further, Allah sent Muhammad as the Final Messenger from Him, and required all mankind, starting with the Prophet’s contemporaries up until the Day of Judgment, to implement His Commandments that He revealed to His Messenger, salla allahu `alaihi wa-sallam. Therefore, all new types of dealings should carry the same rulings as old types of dealings, as long as both types are essentially the same. We must also state that having different names does not change the true reality of these dealings. What matters, is the true substance and the true essence of these types of dealings. Readmore…

Qiyas is Only Allowed Where There are no Texts in the Quran or Sunnah

Ibrahim then said that Shaikh Rasheed Ridha allowed savings accounts that gain interest. The opinion that he mentioned is an error in judgment that is based on discredited personal conclusions that clearly contradict the relevant Texts [of the Quran and Sunnah]. The scholars stated that Muslims are not allowed to rely on Ijtihad (personal judgment) where a Text exists. Rather, Ijtihad is only employed where there are no Texts, in which case, only qualified persons are allowed to perform Ijtihad. When a scholar tries his best in his Ijtihad and issues a correct opinion, he will gain two rewards [one for Ijtihad and one for correctness]. Readmore…

What Allah Disallowed does not Benefit Mankind

Dr. Ibrahim also mentioned some general statements by ibn Qudamah, ibn Taimiyyah and ibn Al-Qayyim about allowing the practices that benefit Muslims in general, which also do not cause any harm for Muslims.

However, we must stress that these mentioned scholars restricted this ruling, by only allowing the beneficial practices that do not contradict any Text in the Quran or Sunnah. Consequently, we must state that the arguments that Ibrahim mentioned in this part of his research are not relevant to the topic under discussion. The, ‘beneficial practices’, that these Imams allowed are matters of Ijtihad (personal opinion) that do not contradict a clear Text in the Quran or the Sunnah. Readmore…

Riba is not Permitted, Because Allah did not Permit it

The answer to this portion of Dr. Ibrahim’s research, is that the Faqihs, i.e., the scholars who have knowledge in the religion, have considered usury `Haram (impermissible) because [various versus of the Quran and] authentic Hadiths of the Prophet, salla allahu `alaihi wa-sallam, rendered it `Haram. Surely, there are several authentic Hadiths that clearly state that any loan that incurs interest, even if the interest was minute, is `Haram (impermissible). Yet, this writer, Ibrahim, may Allah guide him back to the True Path, chose to ignore all these Hadiths and only discusses the Texts in the Quran on this subject, which are general in meaning. Readmore…

Economic Preeminence Does not Require or Depend on Riba

As for the second and third parts of Ibrahim’s statement, “There can be no economic preeminence without financial institutions, and no financial institutions without Interest (Riba)”, they are utterly false. There are many Texts in the Quran, some of which we have already mentioned, that contradict Ibrahim’s false statement. Further, the established Islamic economic practices since the time of the Prophet, salla allahu `alaihi wa-sallam, until the present time when banks are widely established, affirm the falsehood of this statement. Muslim economy has always been strong during most of the past fourteen centuries, without relying on banks and certainly without relying on Riba. During this long period of time, Readmore…

Financial Institutions Can and Do Survive Without Riba

Second, Ibrahim claimed that, “A financial institution to any economy is just like the heart to the human body.

Again, this is not a true statement. A financial institution can always function without the need for usury, just as was the case with Muslim economy in past centuries, especially during the early time of Islam. During that golden era, Muslim economy was the purest, the largest and the strongest, without ever needing to rely on Riba. Allah gave victory to His religion and raised the flag of Islam high through these early believers, bestowing on them vast provisions; truly, the riches of the earth were uncovered for them. Allah helped the Ummah with these resources, allowing them to fight their enemies and saving them from using what He prohibited for them. Readmore…

Some Misconceptions about Women in Islam

بعض المفاهيم الخاطئة عن المراه في الاسلام

Islam gave women rights and privileges at a time when only barbaric manners and values dominated.

Yet, some people argue that Islam has alienated women in some domains. In fact, this belief is a misconception. People who say so, may have read about it in a magazine or seen it on TV. A quick examination of the issues judged as unjust to women will certainly correct the misunderstanding. Readmore…

Are Muslim Momen Oppressed?

Among the many topics of interest to non-Muslims, the status of Muslim women and the theme of their rights – or rather, the perceived lack of them – seems to be foremost.  The media’s portrayal of Muslim women,   usually outlining their “oppression and mystery” seems to contribute to this negative perception.

The main reason for this is that people often fail to distinguish between culture and religion, two things that are completely different. In fact, Islam condemns oppression of any kind whether it is towards a woman or humankind in general.

The Quran is the sacred book by which Muslims live. This book was revealed 1400 years ago to a man named Muhammad –peace be upon him-, who would later become the Prophet –peace be upon him-. Fourteen centuries have passed and this book has not been changed since, not one letter has been altered. Readmore…

Puasa Jumat Dalam Puasa Dawud

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb

Ustadz yth

Saya saat ini menjalankan puasa sunnah dawud. Lantas bagaimana kalau pas hari Jumatnya? Sedangkan katanya puasa hari jumat makruh hukumnya?

Untuk shalat tahajud itu kalau rakaatnya dua-dua, kalau utk sebelas rakaat apa shalat 2 rakaat kali 5 kmd satu rakaat utk witir Ustadz. makhlum Ustadz saya masih dangkal sekali ilmu Islamnya. Jzk atas jwbnya

Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb Readmore…

Etika Berkomunikasi Via Telepon

  1. Ceklah dgn baik nomor telepon yg akan anda hubungi sebelum anda menelpon agar anda tdk mengganggu orang yg sedang tidur atau mengganggu orang yg sedang sakit atau merisaukan orang lain.
  2. Pilihlah waktu yg tepat utk berhubungan via telepon, karena manusia mempunyai kesibukan & keperluan, & mereka juga mempunyai waktu tidur & istirahat, waktu makan & bekerja. Readmore…