Mozaik Islam

Menjaga Akidah Islam dan Menghargai Kebhinekaan demi Masyarakat yang Harmonis dan Sejahtera dalam Bingkai NKRI


Cara Memilih Busana Muslimah yang Sesuai Syariat

Bagi laki-laki batas auratnya adl dari pusar hingga ke lutut (termasuk paha). Rasulullah shallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda:

“Artinya : Paha itu aurat.

Sedangkan bagi wanita adl seluruh tubuhnya, kecuali muka & telapak tangannya. Termasuk aurat bagi wanita adl rambut & betisnya. Jika auratnya sampai terlihat oleh selain mahramnya, maka ia telah berbuat dosa, termasuk dosa bagi suaminya karena telah melalaikan kewajiban ini. Rasulullah shallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda:

“Artinya : Ada 2 golongan penghuni Neraka, yg belum pernah aku lihat keduanya, yaitu sesuatu kaum yg memegang cemeti seperti ekor sapi utk mencambuk manusia, & wanita-wanita yg berpakaian tetapi telanjang, ia berjalan berlenggak-lenggok & kepalanya dicondongkan seperti punuk unta yg condong. Mereka tdk akan masuk Surga & tdk akan mencium aroma Surga, padahal sesungguhnya aroma Surga itu tercium sejauh perjalanan begini & begini.Readmore

Are Muslim Momen Oppressed?

Among the many topics of interest to non-Muslims, the status of Muslim women and the theme of their rights – or rather, the perceived lack of them – seems to be foremost.  The media’s portrayal of Muslim women,   usually outlining their “oppression and mystery” seems to contribute to this negative perception.

The main reason for this is that people often fail to distinguish between culture and religion, two things that are completely different. In fact, Islam condemns oppression of any kind whether it is towards a woman or humankind in general.

The Quran is the sacred book by which Muslims live. This book was revealed 1400 years ago to a man named Muhammad –peace be upon him-, who would later become the Prophet –peace be upon him-. Fourteen centuries have passed and this book has not been changed since, not one letter has been altered. Readmore